My Place Under The Sun

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Duda / Doubt Screening, A Benchmark.

The screening of Duda / Doubt by Cris Pablo will serve as a benchmark in the readiness of Cebuanos to watch gay / lesbian films. Cebu is probably one of the most conservative provinces when it comes to gay / lesbian matters, I guess this is influenced by the catholic church and it's strong resistance in accepting the reality of gay relationships. While the population of gays and lesbians are apparent, it is still considered taboo and some times mocked by society. This could also be the reason why there are no gay / lesbian organizations here.

The organization of this screening did not come without any hitches, however, this should not stop us showing a film worth watching.

If you're in Cebu today, come drop by at handuraw cafe tickets to the screening are P75.00 pesos only and you get a free slice of pizza or beer. We might also pass some popcorn around just for fun.


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